Cumberland County Heritage Network Society

Friday, January 8, 2010

A Journey Through Time

"The Life and Times of Sand Hill"

The Cumberland County Museum & Archives is proud to present local artist Darlene Strong 's travelling Exhibit entitled "The Life and Times of Sand Hill".

During the 1800's a Black Community known as "Sand Hill" was nestled deep inside the Town of Amherst, Nova Scotia near the Bay of Fundy. Today many descendants of the residents of Sand Hill are able to trace their roots back to the arrival of the Loyalists to Nova Scotia.

"Sand Hill is an important part of Cumberland County's Heritage and never has it it been displayed more uniquely than through the art of this travelling exhibit" states Shirley Nickerson, Manager/Curator of the Cumberland County Museum and Archives. Ms. Strong has captured 250 years of African Nova Scotia history through her panerls."

These unique and beautifully designed panels not only depict the early arrival of Slaves/Servants; it also celebrates the grand strides in areas of social, economical, political, educational and spiritual advancements on Sand Hill.

"Understanding that art plays an integral part of portraying history in a snapshot; the exhibit anticipates engaging a multi age audience to walk through 250 years of living history and EXPERIENCE Sand Hill, which is still a part of our heritage." Darlene Strong , Local Artitst and Exhibit Designer.

The Life and Time of Sand Hill Exhibit will open on Thursday, January 28, and run until February 27th.

Come Celebrate Black Heritage Month

The Cumberland County Museum & Archives in conjunction with The Black Loyalist Heritage Society of Shelburne, NS are proud to present the Black Loyalist Heritage Society Travelling Exhibit.

This unique exhibit will take you on a journey back in time. Starting with 1783-1785 when more than 3,000 Black Persons came to Nova Scotia as a direct result of the American Revolution. They came from slavery and wanted to take control of their lives, making choices within the limits they faced."

This travelling Exhibit not only preserves the Story of the Black Loyalist but will give visitors a better understanding of who these people were and what obstacles they had to overcome in the name of "Freedom."

"This exhibit is such an important part of our Heritage" states Shirley Nickerson, Manager/Curator of the Cumberland County Museum & Archives. We are very grateful to the Black Loyalist Society for allowing us to bring this exhibit to Cumberland County. It is an exhibit that we feel the students and residents alike will appreciate and learn from."

Through the panels of this exhibit you will discover the world of Slavery, The American Revolution, Black Loyalist Communities, Heroes and Heroines, the importance of the Certificate of Freedom and so much more.This unique exhibit will be on display at the Cumberland County Museum & Archives for a limited time.

Exhibit will open on Tuesday, January 26 until Saturady, February 27. Hours are Tuesday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm and Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:00pm.

Memorable - Memories Plus

"Memorable - Memories Plus" is a book written by Morris Josef Haugg which is a recounting of his life story from his memories plus his views and philosophies. Even if you don't know this man, the book is an interesting read; once you pick it up, you won't want to put it down until it's finished.

On January 15th, the Cumberland County Museum & Archives will be hosting the public book launch of this book. From 2:00pm to 5:00pm come and meet Morris. Listen to his memories about living through the war, coming to Canada and where he stands today.