Cumberland County Heritage Network Society

Friday, December 7, 2012

Land & Sea Age of Sail Museum

Maritime Shipbuilding will have its world broadcast premiere on CBC Television's Land & Sea on Sunday, December 9 at 12 Noon.

Fundy Geological Museum

Christmas Craft Sale 
Saturday December 8
10:00am to 3:00pm
Fundy Geological Museum
Parrsboro, Nova Scotia

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

CCHN Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting will be held on Saturday April the 6th, 2013 at 10 am, with the location to be determined. The meeting will be followed by a potluck lunch and a workshop on social media practices.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Age of Sail Heritage Centre, Port Greville, NS

Fall Hours starting September 1, 2012
Week of September 2 we will be closed Wednesday the 5 and Thursday the 6 ONLY
From Sept 9 until Oct 8 we will be Open Thursday through Monday and closed Tuesday and Wednesday
Porthole Café open same as museum until Oct 1

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Minudie Heritage Association, Minudie, NS

The Blessing of the Crops Festival will be held on Sunday 12th August.

The Amos “King” Seaman School Museum and St. Denis Church will be open daily 10:00 am to 6:00 pm from July 1st until September 1st

Ottawa House by-the-Sea, Parrsboro, NS

August Events

Story time Thursday evenings

Mayors Tea Friday 10th and 24th , 2pm to 3pm in August

Rug Hooking every Wednesday 10am to 2pm

Bridge every Thursday

August 5th - Pancake Brunch 11am to 1pm

August 12th - Sunday Series 2pm-Justin Helm, historic hardwares

August 15th - Lady Tupper Tea, 2pm to 4pm

August 26th - Sunday Series 2pm-Dale Swan, Creamery Museum

August 31st, Sept 1st & 2nd Blueberry Dessert Festival, serving daily 11am to 5pm

The Creamery Square - Tatamagouche, NS

What is Happening at The Creamery Square for the month of August

August 4 - Summer Fear with special guest Kane Hodder at the Grain Elevator

August 5 - Lincoln Concert on the Outdoor Stage of the Creamery Square

August 11 and 12 Scottish Days at the Heritage Centre

August 25 Blueberry Festival at the Farmer’s Market and the Heritage Centre

September Trans Canada Trail opening (exact date to be announced)

Ongoing War of 1812 exhibit at the Heritage Centre

Wallace & Area Museum

 Wednesday, July 25, 2-4 p.m. - Free Tea in the Garden: Come visit the Museum and enjoy a hot cup of tea and a sweet while enoying the Museum’s Heritage Gardens.

 Thursday July 26, 2 pm. Willard S. Boyle Memorial. Unveiling of Memorial at Wallace Bridge, celebrating Nobel prize winner Willard S. Boyle. Reception at the Museum to follow.

 Saturday, July 28- Giant Craft and Flea Market. Come, support local groups with their tables of treasures. Take advantage of the great sales and enjoy hamburgers, hot dogs and games

 Wednesday, August 1st 2-4 p.m. - Annual Mary Kennedy Tea: Enjoy delightful refreshments, a hot cup of tea, and live entertainment in the Museum’s beautiful Heritage Gardens. The Tea is held in honour of Mary Kennedy, the mother of the Museum Benefactor John Kennedy. The tea celebrates the history of the Davison-Kennedy family.

 Floral Arranging Competition: During the Tea, judging will take place for this annual competition. Everyone is welcome to enter and ribbons are awarded for arrangements in two categories, cultivated and wildflower. Entries accepted until 1 pm.

 Saturday, August 4th a.m. - 2 p.m. - Tails on the Trails: Bring your Dog for a walk on the Museum trails, anytime between 10 am and 2 pm. We will time your walk against a pre-set base time, you could win a treat for dog and owner

 Wednesday August 8, Free Tea in the Garden every Wednesday afternoon through out August.

 Thursday, August 9, The Harbour View Hotel. A talk from the steps of the Community Centre.. The Hotel was the centre of attention for the community. A steady stream of people arrived, departed, visited, stayed and dined at the Hotel.

 Sunday, August 12, Barn Sunday. See some of the thousands of treasures stored in the Museum Barn. Boats, wagons, tools, furniture

 Thursday August 16- The Remsheg Rug Hookers “Hook In”. The local rug hooking group host hooking groups from throughout Nova Scotia

 Saturday, August 18- Children’s Day, 1 to 3 pm

Final kids Day! Call the museum to register…too much fun to miss!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Age of Sail - Port Greville

Age of Sail Marathon

Our 2012 website is now activated for The Age of Sail marathon. Marathon date is August 12th.

Please visit
Event Event Type Until July 30, 2012 On or after July 31, 2012

Full Marathon Run $50 $65

Half Marathon Run/Walk $50 $65

10K Run/Walk $50 $65

5K Run/Walk $50 $65

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wallace & Area Museum

Wallace and Area Museum

Summer 2012


Enjoy activities at the Wallace and Area Museum on the Sunrise Trail

Hours of operation: Monday to Saturday; 9-5, Sunday; 1-4

13440 No. 6 Highway, PO Box 179, Wallace, NS, B0K 1Y0 (902)257-2191


Early Summer Exhibit

The theme for the summer display at the Wallace and Area Museum is based on the Museum’s Mi’kmaq basket collection.

When the Museum Society was given the Davison / Kennedy home for a museum it was left full of the every day items used by the Davison & Kennedy families in the nineteenth and twentieth century. Members of the same family lived in the house from its construction in 1839 until it was turned over to the community in 1990.

All the people that lived in the house seemed to want to save the everyday articles of life. There were large collections of clothing, dishes, toys, newspapers, magazines. One collection found in the house and of great interest and significance is the 56 Mi’kmaq baskets dating from the 1880s to present day.

The Mi’kmaq people were the first known inhabitants of what is now the maritime provinces.


The theme for the Museum’s annual heritage mural, painted by local artist Barbara Clark, is the Mi’kmaq people and basket making. Barbara used the inspiration of a 1791 painting by a Halifax Customs agent Binney. The painting shows various aspects of Mi’kmaq life

Late Summer Exhibit

The second display for summer 2012 will open mid July. The theme is a celebration of the village heritage buildings.

The rich history of Wallace is reflected in its buildings. This display looks into the story of some of Wallace’s most recognized buildings.

The Senator’s lodge, the lighthouse, Charman House, Capt. Grant’s house, the Hotel, St Matthew’s Presbyterian Church, Barlow Morris’ General Store, the Battye Hat Shop and St. John’s United,


Tour the museum

Old Kitchen The Basket collection story starts as you enter the first room. Shown are the materials used in making baskets and examples of the woven designs.

The Gallery The Gallery features beautiful porcupine quill decorated baskets from the late nineteenth century. In addition are a loaned collection of arrow points, stone tools, a trade axe and a stone axe..

Davison-Kennedy Room The story of the Davison family: shipbuilders, businessmen and strong women, and the builders of the house now used as the Museum. On display: clothing, hats, pictures and toys belonging to the four generations who lived in this house since 1839.

Francis Grant Room The Francis Grant Room holds hundreds of stories and poems collected and created by Wallace historian, Francis Grant, as well, many artifacts belonging to Francis’ grandfather Captain F. K. Grant.

Summer Activities 2012

 Sunday, July 1, 12 noon - 5 p.m. - Canada Day: View Canada’s past and relax in the Museum’s beautiful gardens.

 Wednesday, July 4, 2-4 p.m. - Free Tea in the Garden: Come visit the Museum and enjoy a hot cup of tea while enjoying the Museum’s Gardens.

 Saturday, July7, 1-3 p.m., - “Basket Making” Children’s Day: Pre-registration required. Young people aged 5 to 12. Mi’kmaq Basket theme.

 Sunday July 8, 2 p.m. - Francis Grant Day: Celebrate the writings of local author and historian Francis Grant. Community members join in the event by reading his poems and stories. Come hear Mr. Grant’s Amberola (cylinder gramophone)!

 Wednesday, July 11, 2-4 p.m. - Free Tea in the Garden: Come visit the Museum and enjoy a hot cup of tea and a sweet while enjoying the Museum’s Heritage Gardens.

 Sunday, July 15, 2-4 p.m. – Ruby Macfarlane Photo Contest, prize awards. Entrance fee: 2 dollars per photo entrance closing date July 1st.

 Wednesday, July 18, 2-4 p.m. – Opening of the Heritage Buildings Display and Free Tea in the Garden: Come visit the Museum and enjoy a hot cup of tea and a sweet in the Museum’s Heritage Gardens.

 Saturday, July 21, 1-3 p.m., -Children’s Day: Pre-registration required. Young people 5 to 12 plus, games and a snack

 Sunday, July 22, 1:30-4 p.m., -Railway Day: Railway enthusiasts and former railway employees share their stories about the early years of the railroad. Demonstrations of telegraphy and the language of the railroad, Morse Code. Join in the fun.

 Wednesday, July 25, 2-4 p.m. - Free Tea in the Garden: Come visit the Museum and enjoy a hot cup of tea and a sweet while enoying the Museum’s Heritage Gardens.

 Thursday July 26, 2 pm. Willard S. Boyle Memorial. Unveiling of Memorial at Wallace Bridge, celebrating Nobel prize winner Willard S. Boyle. Reception at the Museum to follow.

 Saturday, July 28- Giant Craft and Flea Market. Come, support local groups with their tables of treasures. Take advantage of the great sales and enjoy hamburgers, hot dogs and games

 Wednesday, August 1st 2-4 p.m. - Annual Mary Kennedy Tea: Enjoy delightful refreshments, a hot cup of tea, and live entertainment in the Museum’s beautiful Heritage Gardens. The Tea is held in honour of Mary Kennedy, the mother of the Museum Benefactor John Kennedy. The tea celebrates the history of the Davison-Kennedy family.

 Floral Arranging Competition: During the Tea, judging will take place for this annual competition. Everyone is welcome to enter and ribbons are awarded for arrangements in two categories, cultivated and wildflower. Entries accepted until 1 pm.

 Saturday, August 4th a.m. - 2 p.m. - Tails on the Trails: Bring your Dog for a walk on the Museum trails, anytime between 10 am and 2 pm. We will time your walk against a pre-set base time, you could win a treat for dog and owner

 Wednesday August 8, Free Tea in the Garden every Wednesday afternoon through out August.

 Thursday, August 9, The Harbour View Hotel. A talk from the steps of the Community Centre.. The Hotel was the centre of attention for the community. A steady stream of people arrived, departed, visited, stayed and dined at the Hotel.

 Sunday, August 12, Barn Sunday. See some of the thousands of treasures stored in the Museum Barn. Boats, wagons, tools, furniture

 Thursday August 16- The Remsheg Rug Hookers “Hook In”. The local rug hooking group host hooking groups from throughout Nova Scotia

 Saturday, August 18- Children’s Day, 1 to 3 pm

Final kids Day! Call the museum to register…too much fun to miss!

Have a great summer!

Wallace and Area Museum on the Sunrise Trail

Open: Monday to Saturday, 9-5

Sunday, 1-4

13440 No. 6 Highway

Tel. 257-2191

Nova Scotia, B0K 1Y0

Beautiful Heritage Gardens and Walking Trails

Free Admission and Programs

For further information on programs and events offered and event registration, please contact the Wallace and Area Museum

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Creamery Square - Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia

The Creamery Square in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia offers the following events: On the 14th of July there is "A woman's work is never done - a reminder of country living in 1912", there will be cow milking, butter patting, a hunt for eggs, and more.

For July 28th and 29th "Things Maritime" is scheduled. Help build the chaloupe, make some rope, try caulking, eat the hardtack (but knock out the weevils), drink the rum and lime water. Admire the ship modelsand find out what life was like on a sailing vessel in the Great Age of Sail.

On August the 11th and 12th come for our "Scottish Cultural and Heritage Weekend", a great opportunity to try Highland Dancing. Art and other displays, learn some Gaelic, taste Scottish food, and attend a painting workshop. On Sunday, the 12th, starting at 11am at the Sharon United Church attend "Kickin' the Tartans". In the afternoon witness "Living HIstory", how did the Highlands live - wear their tartans, use their weapons? in the evening come to Fables Club for readings from Scottish LIterature, the classic film "Whiskey Galore", whiskey Tasting, and live music.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Senator Margaret Fawcett-Norrie Creamery Square Heritage Centre

The Senator Margaret Fawcett-Norrie Creamery Square Heritage Centre has the following upcoming events:

June 30    Canada Day at the Farmer’s Market and the Heritage Centre

July 14     Women’s Work is Never Done at the Heritage Centre

Age of Sail Museum, Port Greville, NS

Age of Sail Museum in Port Greville, NS has the following events upcoming -

June 24 Annual Memorial Service for those Lost at Sea TBA Port Greville

June 24 Museum begins Summer Hours - Extending Hours to

7 Days a Week Port Greville

July TBA Annual Community Yard Sale

(free tables at the museum) TBA Port Greville

July 20-22 Annual Heritage Festival

- Friday Guest Speaker (7pm)

- Saturday, Dinner Theatre (6pm)

- Sunday Strawberry Brunch (11am-2pm) Port Greville

July 29 Birthday Celebrations & Volunteer Appreciation Day Port Greville

Historic Ottawa House by the Sea - July Events

Historic Ottawa House by the Sea - July Scheduled Events

Note: Weekly Thursday Evening Story Time Starts - Please inquire to confirm Date and Time

1 Canada Day with the Citizens' Band, Flag Raising; Birthday Cake and Fun for all - 2pm
4 Rug Hooking - 10am - 2pm
5 Bridge Party
8 Strawberry Tea - 2pm - 4pm
11 Rug Hooking - 10am - 2pm
12 Bridge Party
15 Sunday Series - 2pm
18 Rug Hooking - 10am - 2pm
19 Bridge Party
22 Sunday Series - 2pm
25 Rug Hooking - 10am - 2pm
26 Bridge Party

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cumberland County Museum & Archives - Book Launch

June 16th - 2 pm -Cumberland County Museum & Archives is proud to present the launch of a new book by author Jamie Heap titled " Dreams Derailed: The Main Events, People and Places Associated with the Chignecto Ship Railway and the Chignecto Canal, 1686-1960". Jamie Heap will also have some of his other books on hand as well.

Cumberland County Museum & Archives - Nature Walk

June 16th - Nature walk

On Saturday, the Cumberland County Museum Society will hold its annual Nature walk at the Amherst Point Migratory Bird Sanctuary (the Glen). Participants will meet at 9:00 am at the Cumberland County Museum & Archives, 150 Church Street, Amherst and car pool to the Glen.

Knowledgeable leaders will be available to describe the various habitats and the ecology, as well as the plants and animals observed. For further information contact Bill Fairbanks at 661-0559 or the Cumberland County Museum & Archives at 667-2561. Participants should dress according to the weather conditions.

Historic Ottawa House by the Sea Museum

Historic Ottawa House by the Sea - June Schedule of Events

Note: Weekly Thursday Evening Story Time Starts - Please inquire to confirm Date and Time

6 Weekly Rug Hooking Starts - Every Wednesday - 10am - 2pm
7 Weekly Bridge Parties Start - Every Thursday
10 Diamond Jubilee Tea and Exhibit - 2pm to 4pm
13 Rug Hooking - 10am - 2pm
14 Bridge Party
20 Rug Hooking - 10am - 2pm
21 Bridge Party
27 Rug Hooking - 10am - 2pm
28 Bridge Party

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Joggins Fossil Institute - Father's Day BBQ and Lobster Boil

June 17th - Father’s Day BBQ and Lobster Boil

Spoil your father or yourself with a sausage and Bay of Fundy lobster!

Call for details or to reserve your spaces: 251-2727, 1.888.932.9766 Joggins Fossil Institute

Joggins Fossil Institute - Four Hour Tour

Have you experienced the cool Bay of Fundy air on your skin, felt the crunch of rocks under your feet, and tasted a deliciously fresh home-made lunch, all while learning about 300 million year old fossils? At the Joggins Fossil Cliffs, you can.

Our four hour tour package includes the three E's: exploration, education, and enjoyment. Previously held just once a month, these four hour tours have increased in availability!

Explore the Classic Section of the Joggins Fossil Cliffs with an experienced guide and discover million year old tetrapod footprints, large fossilized trees, and primitive seed ferns.

Included in the tour is a gourmet, freshly made lunch from our own Roundhouse Cafe. This lunch includes a drink, sandwich, fruit, and a treat! Our chefs, Joyce and Corey, can accommodate dietary preferences.

Our first four hour tour of the 2012 season will be taking place on Sunday, June 10th at 9:30am. To book a spot on this tour, or to enquire about booking another tour, please contact us at 1-902-251-2727, extension 231, or through e-mail at

We look forward to exploring with you!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Malagash Area Heritage Association

The Malagash Area Heritage Association is having a Country Supper at the Malagash Community Hall, 1926 North Shore Road, Malagash on Saturday June 2 from 4 pm until 6 pm. Casseroles, beans, salads, homemade rolls, bread and pie. Adults $10.00, Under 12 $4.00. Preschoolers free. Please contact 257-2407 for further information. Proceeds for the Salt Mine Museum.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Age of Sail Museum, Port Greville, NS

Age of Sail Museum, Port Greville, will open on May26th to begin the season - 10 am to 6 pm Thursday-Monday. Hope everyone can make it out to see our new building!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cumberland County Genealogical Society Meeting

The May meeting of the Cumberland County Genealogical Society will be held Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 7:00 pm at Trinity-St. Stephen’s United Church, 1 Ratchford St., Amherst. The guest speaker will be Sarah Wallace, archivist at the Maritime Conference, United Church of Canada, in Sackville, NB. Her topic will be Church Records and Holdings at the Maritime Conference Archives. Everyone is welcome.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our newest associate member Old Shipyard Beach Campground to the CCHN group. Bob & Noreen Kimber are the owners/operators of the campground in Spencer's Island, Nova Scotia

Cumberland County Museum & Archives

May 12th, - 2 pm to 4 pm. The Cumberland County Museum & Archives is proud to present the launch for the new book "Haunted Girl" by Laurie Glenn-Norris and Barbara Thompson, published by Nimbus Publishing.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lumberjack Supper for Age of Sail

March 31st- 4-5:30- Lumberjack Supper- FPW Firehall Port Greville Pancakes, local maple syrup, sausages, fishcakes, beans, biscuits, tea or coffee and gingerbread with brown sugar sauce $10.00

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Search with us and give a cent! Age of Sail Museum

Age of Sail has a new venture that will help raise additional funds for them. They have connected with We-Care Everytime you use this site as your seach engine, We-Care will donate one cent to the Greville Bay Shipbuilding Museum Society. This could tally up to a sizeable donation for Age of Sail.

Way to go! Bookmark it as your home page so you will not be tempted to stray.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Routes to Your Roots

Routes to Your Roots for all can be reached at: then click on the blue bubbles to open each site, then go to "more info" to see their sites YouTube presentation.
Turn up the sound and let the presentation take you there.

Cumberland County Museum & Archives

Cumberland County Museum & Archives has launched its' newest link: Routes to Your Roots. You can check it out here:!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Age of Sail in Port Greville, NS

Progress is being made on the building of the new addition to the Age of Sail Heritage Museum. Great work guys!!!

This building is going to look really good. Don't you agree? Can you guess what shape it will take?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

African heritage trailblazers celebrated

The 10-panel exhibit - "Trailblazers 2012 - United We Stand" by Darlene Strong is symbolic of more than 400 years of vibrant African Nova Scotian history, and will be on display at the Cumberland County Museum and Archives for the month of February.

The exhibit expresses collaborations influencing the accomplishments that have helped African Canadians rise above obstacles such as slavery and systemic racism and become specialists in their fields. In commemoration of Her Majesty the Queen's 60th Anniversary, the exhibit reflects on the first African Nova Scotian and second woman to hold the post of Lieutenant Governor as the Queen's representative in Nova Scotia, Honourable Mayann Francis.

The Town of Amherst came on board as a sponsor because it was an opportunity to bring together not only some great artwork and important part of local heritage, but also a way to support local organizations like the museum and artists like Strong, according to Andrew MacGregor, the town of Amherst, NS arts, culture and heritage co-ordinator.

The exhibit will be displayed at the museum during regular business hours throughout the month of February.

Age of Sail Museum Announcement

Congratulations from Cumberland County Heritage Network Society on your funding!!!

The Age of Sail Museum is happy to announce they have received $15,000 from Communities, Culture and Heritage SDI grant program for interpretive design. These funds will go towards an interpretive design plan for the New wind and wave building which funding was announced for in November from ACOA and N.S. Tourism. The maritime company of Camus Productions has been chosen to do the design plan. The plan will be done in such a way as to make implementation possible over a period of time due to funding restraints. Funds from ACOA and NS Tourism towards interpretive were included in the November funding announcement. Local companies will be offered the chance to make quotes for the new signage and volunteer help will be used where possible in erecting the signs. The interpretive plan will include signage for the new building, kiosk and to refresh and renew signage in the main building to assist the flow from one section to the other. The board of the Age of Sail is very excited to see the progress being made on the new addition and am very grateful for the financial help from the various government entities. Thanks also go out to Paul Collins of CMAP and Bernie Murphy of CRDA for their invaluable assistance. The grand opening will be in the spring and we look forward to seeing everyone then.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Creamery Square get funding for final Phase!

Congratulations have to go out to The Creamery Square in Tatamagouche, NS for obtaining $820,022 from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) for the 6,200 square-foot facility. This marks the last Phase of a Phase Three Plan to upgrade the Centre.

- 6,200 square-feet
- To be used for various events such as concerts, performance art, visual art exhibits, conventions, receptions, lectures.
- Auditorium seated capacity of 160 on three removable tiers.
- Foyer (former ice house) can be used as a smaller venue, seating about 30.
- Ground breaking expected this spring; opening expected next summer.

CCHN wishes you all success on this adventure.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Cumberland County Museum & Archives

A Talk by Howard Spence will take place at the Cumberland County Museum & Archives on Jan 12, 2012 - 7 pm. For more information call (902) 667-2561 or email:

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Email Address

The Cumberland County Museum & Archives has a new email address as of Jan 1, 2012
You can reach them at:

Friday, January 6, 2012

Cumberland County Museum "Tea Social"

Come for the tea, enjoy the company and our community tea cup exhibit! Join us at Cumberland County Museum & Archives for a "Tea Social" on Saturday January 7th, 4 pm to 6 pm.