Cumberland County Heritage Network Society

Monday, June 29, 2009

CCHN YouTube Page

Here we have our fourth Social Media Marketing tool, the YouTube page. We have no video’s yet, but a couple are in the works. Follow the link to view:

CCHN Facebook Page

We now have a new means of getting our message out there. After some trial and error the CCHN now has our Facebook page:

Schedule of 2009 Curatorial Walks at the Fundy Geological Museum

Each summer the Fundy Geological Museum sponsors a series of Curatorial Walks. While the primary focus of the walks is geological they are also intended to help visitors and residents discover the area's rich natural and natural heritage.

2009 Schedule:

  • June 13 Wasson Bluff Special Place
  • July 3 Clark Head
  • July 4 Five Islands Provincial Park
  • July 10 Red Rocks-McGahey Brook
  • July 11 Wards Falls
  • July 17 Ram’s Head-West Bay
  • July 18 Wards Beach-Brookville Rock
  • July 24 Clark Head
  • July 25 Partridge Island-East Bay
  • July 31 Spicers Cove, CCPP
  • August 1 Five Islands Provincial Park
  • August 7 Wasson Bluff Special Place
  • August 8 Red Rocks-McGahey Brook
  • August 21 Economy Falls, Thomas Cove
  • August 22 Partridge Island-East Bay
  • August 28 Ram’s Head-West Bay
  • August 29 Spicers Cove

For more information go to:

or download the Fundy Geological Newsletter at:

Four Fathers Festival

The first annual “Four Fathers Festival” will take place from July 1st to July 4th, 2009 in Amherst, Nova Scotia. This four day event is sure to be an attraction for all ages. A festival tent will be erected on Victoria Street between Church and Havelock for all four days of the Festival. Please be advised that during this time of July 1 through July 4, Victoria Street from Church to Havelock will be closed to all traffic.

Activities include a pancake breakfast, live music daily, children’s activities, art show and much more. Please visit the Town of Amherst website or call 667-6519 for more information.

See the link below for a full schedule of the events:

First Quarter Tourism Numbers

Here are the hard numbers… from January to April there were 425,700 visitors to Nova Scotia. That is a 7% decreases for last year. The number of people traveling to N.S. by car was up by 1% while the number coming in by air was down 22%. The number rooms sold for over night was down 6%. One bright note, we are up 1% in April of April of last year.

Source: The Citizen - Saturday, June, 27, 2009

Parrsboro Band Hall Survey

The Parrsboro Band Hall is conducting a survey that can be accessed from their Blog site. They will be running the electronic survey for only another 2 weeks and would like the input of all CCHN Members.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Minudie Day!

The Minudie Heritage Association will host their 8th Annual Minudie Day on Sunday, July 12th.
Events start at noon. Tours of heritage buildings. Wagon Rides. Displays of Antique Machinery. Children's activities include fish pond, moon walker, games of chance. Barbecue & strawberry shortcake teas. Craft & bake tables. Musical entertainment including Bridget Michaels.

Call 251-2422 or e-mail for more information.

Yard Sale and BBQ at Heritage Models

On July 1st Heritage Models is having a Yard Sale and BBQ. Yard Sale starting at 9:00 am and the BBQ starting at 11:00 am. Also there will be a table of handcrafted items such as, sweaters, quilts, mittens, scarves, socks, puppets, slippers, maple surup products and more....

Great Summer Events at the Wallace and Area Museum

  • Sunday July 5th, One of the best programs the Wallace and Museum presents: Francis Grant Day. A presentation of poems and stories written by the late author and historian Francis Grant. Mr. Grant's poems cover a wide variety of subjects but mostly the sea, Local people gather to read and hear his poetry. Everyone welcome!
  • Saturday July 11th, Teenage Survivor: A fun competition for young people between 13 and 18. Two person teams face four easy events. Ten dollars entry, receive a teeshirt and a hot dog. $100 first prize.
  • Saturday July 18th, Childrens Day: Please call a head to register.
  • Sunday July 19th, Railway Day: A day to celebrate the Railway and former Railway Telegraphers, Learn about Morse Code and participate in demonstrations.Meet and hear the stories of these men and women.
  • Thursday July 30th, "The Buildings Of Wallace" (part two) from the steps of the
    Community Centre.
  • And please remember that free Tea in the Garden is held every Wednesday afternoon, July and August.

Summer Fun at the Malagash Salt Mine Museum

The Malagash Salt Mine Museum is holding their annual Sand Castle Festival on Sunday July 19th, starting at 11:00am at the Blue Sea Beach in Malagash. They are also having a Country Supper at the Community Hall on Saturday July 25th from 4:00 until 6:00p.m. Additional information on these events can be obtained by calling the Museum at 257-2407.

Upcoming Events at the Age of Sail Heritage Centre

  • As of June 30th the Age of Sail Heritage Centre will be open 7 days a week 10:00am - 6:00pm.

  • July 17th to 19th, the Centre's Annual Heritage Festival

  • Friday July 17th at 7:00pm, the Age of Sail will be hosting David Stanley speaking on Spencer's Island Shipbuilding. Donation at the door.

  • Saturday July 18th, F.P. W. Fire hall Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre. Pre-sold tickets only. Call 348-2030 for more information.

  • Sunday July 19th, Free admission at the Age of Sail Heritage Centre. Horse and Wagon rides: $2.00. Everyone welcome!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Museum Day at the Cumberland County Museum and Archives

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so I’ll let these pictures speak for themselves…of all the fun at the museum last Saturday (June 20).

Friday, June 19, 2009

Joggins Fossil Centre's Father's Day Barbecue

Please join the staff at the Joggins Fossil Centre who will be hosting Father’s Day Barbeque buffet lunch this Sunday, June 21st at 11:30am to 2:30pm.On to menu will be such fair as: barbequed chicken, (local) pork chops, Bay of Fundy skewered scallops and home made potato salad, coleslaw and fresh green salad and baked potatoes. Cost will be: $15 for adults and $7.50 for children. To book your table, please call Fran at: 902.251.2727.

Frances Legere: an example of our living heritage

Can you picture yourself living to age 106? Well Mrs. Frances Legere, formally of River Hebert, now living in Amherst, can after reaching this tremendous milestone this past week. Anyone who has come to know this dear lady can honestly say that she is one of a kind. Her kindness, keen mind and purity of heart have endeared her to everyone who has every known her. So much so that two celebrations were held in her honour to accommodate all the well wishers.

Happy birthday Frances from everyone at the Cumberland County Heritage Network!

Pictured with Frances is Glenda Janes, community representative for River Hebert and Joggins, who on the behalf of Nova Scotia MLA Murray Scott presented Mrs. Legere with a small token of reconnection from the Province.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Walking Tours of the Heritage homes of Amherst

The Cumberland County Museum and Archives will be hosting walking tours of the Victorian Heritage homes of Amherst, July 2, 3 and 4th. Tours will begin at the Four Father Festival Tent on Victoria Street start at 2:00pm. Cost is $5.00 per person. Group tours can be arranged. For more information please contact Shirley Nickerson at: 902.667.2561.

Pictured is one of the many historical homes of Amherst, the Hewson House located at 177 Victortia Street. (Town of Amherst)

Museum Day Celebrations and Afternoon Concert

The Cumberland County Museum and Archives would like to thank the residents of Cumberland County for their continuous support by inviting everyone to take part in “Museum Day Celebration and Afternoon Concert” on Saturday, June 20th; from 9am to 5pm. This fun filled day will include a number of events for all ages. These events will take place on the beautiful grounds of the Cumberland County Museum and Archives at 150 Church Street in Amherst.

Lineup for the day:

Starting at 9am
  • Huge Yard Sale
  • Silent Auction

10am to 1pm (Free Events)

  • Old Fashion Families Games - Three Legged Race, Sack Race, and Tug of War
  • Children’s Games
  • Mock Jail
  • Face Painting
  • Nail Painting
  • Cumberland County Outdoors Artist Display

11am to 2pm

  • Barbeque
  • (Free) Children’s Ride in Pumper Joe 2 ½ complements of the Amherst Fire Department
    12pm to 5pm
  • (Free) Museum Tours

2- 5:00pm

  • Afternoon Concert Featuring Cumberland County Entertainers:
  • The Travelers
  • Gloria Chase (singer)
  • Dallas Bryan (2008 Maritime Idol Contestant)
  • Earl Dow (singer)
  • Elizabeth Cooke Sumbu (singer)
  • Edward Cooke(singer)
  • Barry Patriquin(singer)
  • Evange Landry

Winners of the “What Do You Think School Will Be Like In 100 Years” Essay Contest will be announced during the Afternoon Concert.For more information please call the Cumberland County Museum and Archives at 667-2561

Ship’s Company Theatre: Celebrating 25 Years of the Theatrical Arts in Parrsboro

At first thought, the idea of having a theatre on the deck of an old Bay of Fundy Ferry might have seemed a bit unorthodox, however in the 25 years since the idea was first conceived, the Ship’s Company Theatre has become the most critically acclaimed theatre in Atlantic Canada. The Company now boosts two stage performances, a summer concert series, a reading series and a children’s drama camp.

To celebrate their anniversary the theatre will be hosting a series of events in late July and early August. Included in the line up is a showing of the works of photographer Thaddeus Holownia on July 31, the Summer of Handley Page and a musical celebration of Hank Williams on August 1st. There will also be a lobster boil at Ottawa House by the Sea on August 2.

For a complete line up of the summer’s plays and events go to: or call: 1-800-565-SHOW.

Guess who’s coming to town?

The Anne Murray Centre has confirmed that Anne Murray will be in attendance at the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Centre’s opening on July 25th . Ms. Murray will take a short tour of the new exhibits as well as being on hand for an appreciation reception for long-time employees and supporters of the Centre. The 20th Anniversary Celebration will also include music workshops. For those interested in participating, please pre-register as seating is limited. For more information please call the Anne Murray Centre at 902.597.8614.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Did you know about… Davis Day

On June 11th of every year, we in the Cumberland County observe “Davis Day,” though sadly few know anything about it.

On June 11th 1925, the coal miners of our region were on strike against BESCO (the British Empire Steel and Coal Company). In New Waterford, Cape Breton the strike turned to violence when miners were confronted by BESCO police. In the ensuing struggle, Bill Davis, a coal miner who was just happened to be walking by at the time, was shot and killed by the company police. Davis was a of father nine with a tenth child on the way and was reportedly on his way home with milk for his children when he was shot, adding to the greater shocking tragedy of his death.

In remembrance the miner’s union, the United Mine Workers of America, designated June 11th as a day of observance in memorial of all coal miners who worked and died in the mines and named the day in honour of Bill Davis.

Pictured above is Mr. Albert Arseneau at the Davis Day remembrance in River Hebert. In his 90's, Mr. Arseneau is the oldest living miner in River Hebert.

As a foot note: the British Empire Steel Corporation would purchased by the infamous Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation (DOSCO) which ran all steel and coal operations in Cape Breton until late 1960’s when the Nova Scotia Government nationalized their assets. Today, the long and illustrious history of both coal mining and steel making in our province has come to an end, yet we still remember the scarifies that our forefathers made for us by going down in the mines.

Did you know about...

For a diversion away from the day to day announcements that we’ve been doing so far, I am beginning a series articles that will tell the story of some of our little known but fascinating historical tidbits that has helped us form the tapestry that is our county’s heritage. The series will be called: “Did you know about…” If you have any suggestions on particular stories that you would like to see included, please drop me a line or two and I’ll see what I can do. Thank you.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Launch of the CCHN Website!

We are pleased to announce that the Cumberland County Heritage Network Website has now been completed and was launched on June 1o, 2009.
The site contains very simple and user-friendly interfaces so that the visitor can find the information require without a lot of flash and clutter that is seen with a great many websites out there today.

When opening the CCHN site, you will first find our “Home Page” that details the CCHN Mission Statement and message. On the left is a simple link interface that will bring the visitor to any of six other pages which include: Our Membership Page, Our Blog Page, Member Locations Page, Photo Gallery Page, Heritage Links Page, and the Contact Us Page. The “Our Membership Page” contains both the contact information of each member site and a brief description of each site that will be use in the forthcoming Passport currently in development. The “Our Blog Page” is a link to the CCHN Blog. The “Member Location Page” contains a downloadable map of the county indicating the locations and driving directions to each member’s site as well as other area attractions. Photo Gallery Page is what the name suggests, images of each member site which is part of an image database from which all members can add or draw upon for promotion. The “Heritage Links Page” is a list of other heritage and tourism sites on the web that would be of interest for visitors to the area. Finally, the “Contact Us Page” provides the visitor with all the information they would need to learn more about the CCHN and its members.

Please book mark our website by going to:

Classical Music Festival for Parrsboro

If you are a lover of the classics, then Parrsboro will be the place to visit from June 26 to 28. Four concerts will be held at St. George’s Anglican and Trinity United featuring pieces preformed on violin, organ, flute and harp with the accompaniment of soprano singers. For more information please visit: or call the Parrsboro Band Hall at 902.254.3674.

River Hebert Miner's Memorial Davis Day

On Thursday, June 11 at 6:30 pm, citizens of River Hebert will be celebrating their illustrious mining history at their miner’s hall in River Hebert. All are invited to attend. For more information, please contact Judy Jollymore at 902.251.2442.

Opening Day at River Hebert Heritage Models Centre/Museum a Rousing Success

A sizable crowd was on hand last Sunday (June 7th) at the River Hebert Heritage Models Centre/Museum to celebrate the official opening day for 2009 season. Featured in the events of the day was the unveiling a new model by Brian Hebert of an envisioned baseball field that is hoped to be built in honour of Adam Gray, a man who had been long associated with the area’s proud base ball history. Also on hand were area dignitaries, such as Cumberland South MLA Murray Scott, Cumberland County Deputy Warden Kathy Redmond, Bob Gray, nephew of Bud Johnston and Joggins Fossil Cliffs Director, Jenna Boon. Jamie Heap, author of “Lord of the Land: The Reign of Amos “King” Seaman” was also on hand to sign his book.

River Hebert Heritage Models Centre/Museum will be open daily until October 1st from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. For more information, please call 902.251.2442.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Blacksmithing at the Age of Sail Heritage Centre

Last Friday (June 6th) I was delighted to have the opportunity to watch Mr. Kerwin Davidson, a New England blacksmith at his craft at the Age of Sail of Sail Centre in Port Greville, Nova Scotia. Mr. Davidson has been a blacksmith for some 15 years, having learned the craft from his uncle who is considered to be a master blacksmith in the New England area.

The forge, seen here is an authentic Confederation era forge that was used in Port Greville, and was rebuilt by the Centre as part of their extraordinary exhibit. I wish to thank Age of Sail of Sail Centre and Mr. Davidson for allowing us a peek into a truly wonderful and all but lost art form.

Season Opening of the Minudie Heritage Association Office

The office of the Minudie Heritage Association is now open until the fall. Their upcoming events include:
  • Ham & Scallop Take Out Dinner - Sunday, June 28th
  • Minudie Day - Sunday, July 12th
  • Blessing of the Crops - Sunday, August 9th

Please call or e-mail our office for more information on our events or heritage attractions.

Helen Sims
Office Administrator, Minudie Heritage Association
2730 Barronsfield Road
River Hebert NS B0L 1G0
Phone: 902.251.2422

The Minudie Heritage Association wishes all CCHN members a busy and successful 2009 tourist season!