Cumberland County Heritage Network Society

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

African heritage trailblazers celebrated

The 10-panel exhibit - "Trailblazers 2012 - United We Stand" by Darlene Strong is symbolic of more than 400 years of vibrant African Nova Scotian history, and will be on display at the Cumberland County Museum and Archives for the month of February.

The exhibit expresses collaborations influencing the accomplishments that have helped African Canadians rise above obstacles such as slavery and systemic racism and become specialists in their fields. In commemoration of Her Majesty the Queen's 60th Anniversary, the exhibit reflects on the first African Nova Scotian and second woman to hold the post of Lieutenant Governor as the Queen's representative in Nova Scotia, Honourable Mayann Francis.

The Town of Amherst came on board as a sponsor because it was an opportunity to bring together not only some great artwork and important part of local heritage, but also a way to support local organizations like the museum and artists like Strong, according to Andrew MacGregor, the town of Amherst, NS arts, culture and heritage co-ordinator.

The exhibit will be displayed at the museum during regular business hours throughout the month of February.

Age of Sail Museum Announcement

Congratulations from Cumberland County Heritage Network Society on your funding!!!

The Age of Sail Museum is happy to announce they have received $15,000 from Communities, Culture and Heritage SDI grant program for interpretive design. These funds will go towards an interpretive design plan for the New wind and wave building which funding was announced for in November from ACOA and N.S. Tourism. The maritime company of Camus Productions has been chosen to do the design plan. The plan will be done in such a way as to make implementation possible over a period of time due to funding restraints. Funds from ACOA and NS Tourism towards interpretive were included in the November funding announcement. Local companies will be offered the chance to make quotes for the new signage and volunteer help will be used where possible in erecting the signs. The interpretive plan will include signage for the new building, kiosk and to refresh and renew signage in the main building to assist the flow from one section to the other. The board of the Age of Sail is very excited to see the progress being made on the new addition and am very grateful for the financial help from the various government entities. Thanks also go out to Paul Collins of CMAP and Bernie Murphy of CRDA for their invaluable assistance. The grand opening will be in the spring and we look forward to seeing everyone then.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Creamery Square get funding for final Phase!

Congratulations have to go out to The Creamery Square in Tatamagouche, NS for obtaining $820,022 from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) for the 6,200 square-foot facility. This marks the last Phase of a Phase Three Plan to upgrade the Centre.

- 6,200 square-feet
- To be used for various events such as concerts, performance art, visual art exhibits, conventions, receptions, lectures.
- Auditorium seated capacity of 160 on three removable tiers.
- Foyer (former ice house) can be used as a smaller venue, seating about 30.
- Ground breaking expected this spring; opening expected next summer.

CCHN wishes you all success on this adventure.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Cumberland County Museum & Archives

A Talk by Howard Spence will take place at the Cumberland County Museum & Archives on Jan 12, 2012 - 7 pm. For more information call (902) 667-2561 or email:

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Email Address

The Cumberland County Museum & Archives has a new email address as of Jan 1, 2012
You can reach them at:

Friday, January 6, 2012

Cumberland County Museum "Tea Social"

Come for the tea, enjoy the company and our community tea cup exhibit! Join us at Cumberland County Museum & Archives for a "Tea Social" on Saturday January 7th, 4 pm to 6 pm.