Cumberland County Heritage Network Society

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

10th Annual Minudie Day

The 10th Annual Minudie Day will be held on Sunday, July 10th beside the Amos Seaman School Museum in Minudie (turn left onto Barronsfield Road after the bridge in River Hebert and follow signs to Minudie). Events start at noon and include: a barbeque, strawberry shortcake teas, craft & bake tables, yard sale, displays of antique tractors & machinery, children's games & races, fish pond, pony rides, face painting & tattoos, and also entertainment throughout the day. To book a table or for more details call 251-2422 or email

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this information. I'll do my best to be there! This event is very important for me.


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