Cumberland County Heritage Network Society

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mystery Bus Tour Over!

The Mystery Bus Tour is over and a great time was had by all who attended! We had beautiful weather - sunshine and blue skies, although it was a bit windy for two of our stops but most did not seem to mind. We did not lose anyones hat.

I gave hints at the beginning of our tour as to where we would be going. We also had trivia questions with prizes for the correct answers. Guess what? I am still not telling where we did stop - as that is to remain part of the mystery!

I will tell those not in attendance that you did miss the very best homecooked restaurant meal which consisted of two slices of roast beef, two scoops of mashed potatoes, gravy, home cooked carrots, peas, corn, coleslaw, roll and butter with your choice of Cherry cheesecake, lemon meringue pie, coconut cream pie,or pineapple squares. It was an eaters feast! My congratulations to the BayView restaurant, owner -Margie Melanson and the cook Brenda which served it all up with smiles and chuckles!

I did manage to keep everyone awake afterwards as we made our way through the best views of the fall coloured trees and Chignecto Bay with the most beautiful backdrop of blue sky that I have seen in awhile.

Watch for future tours and adventures as this was our maiden voyage and in my opinion - we did not sink but rose to the occasion!

1 comment:

  1. This tour was so much fun! Keeping the destinations a mystery was a great idea! The host (forget her name) was very friendly and had a good knowledge of the sites we visited. The meal was delicious! I hope they have more of these tours in the future.


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