Cumberland County Heritage Network Society

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wallace & Area Museum

Wallace and Area Museum

Summer 2012


Enjoy activities at the Wallace and Area Museum on the Sunrise Trail

Hours of operation: Monday to Saturday; 9-5, Sunday; 1-4

13440 No. 6 Highway, PO Box 179, Wallace, NS, B0K 1Y0 (902)257-2191


Early Summer Exhibit

The theme for the summer display at the Wallace and Area Museum is based on the Museum’s Mi’kmaq basket collection.

When the Museum Society was given the Davison / Kennedy home for a museum it was left full of the every day items used by the Davison & Kennedy families in the nineteenth and twentieth century. Members of the same family lived in the house from its construction in 1839 until it was turned over to the community in 1990.

All the people that lived in the house seemed to want to save the everyday articles of life. There were large collections of clothing, dishes, toys, newspapers, magazines. One collection found in the house and of great interest and significance is the 56 Mi’kmaq baskets dating from the 1880s to present day.

The Mi’kmaq people were the first known inhabitants of what is now the maritime provinces.


The theme for the Museum’s annual heritage mural, painted by local artist Barbara Clark, is the Mi’kmaq people and basket making. Barbara used the inspiration of a 1791 painting by a Halifax Customs agent Binney. The painting shows various aspects of Mi’kmaq life

Late Summer Exhibit

The second display for summer 2012 will open mid July. The theme is a celebration of the village heritage buildings.

The rich history of Wallace is reflected in its buildings. This display looks into the story of some of Wallace’s most recognized buildings.

The Senator’s lodge, the lighthouse, Charman House, Capt. Grant’s house, the Hotel, St Matthew’s Presbyterian Church, Barlow Morris’ General Store, the Battye Hat Shop and St. John’s United,


Tour the museum

Old Kitchen The Basket collection story starts as you enter the first room. Shown are the materials used in making baskets and examples of the woven designs.

The Gallery The Gallery features beautiful porcupine quill decorated baskets from the late nineteenth century. In addition are a loaned collection of arrow points, stone tools, a trade axe and a stone axe..

Davison-Kennedy Room The story of the Davison family: shipbuilders, businessmen and strong women, and the builders of the house now used as the Museum. On display: clothing, hats, pictures and toys belonging to the four generations who lived in this house since 1839.

Francis Grant Room The Francis Grant Room holds hundreds of stories and poems collected and created by Wallace historian, Francis Grant, as well, many artifacts belonging to Francis’ grandfather Captain F. K. Grant.

Summer Activities 2012

 Sunday, July 1, 12 noon - 5 p.m. - Canada Day: View Canada’s past and relax in the Museum’s beautiful gardens.

 Wednesday, July 4, 2-4 p.m. - Free Tea in the Garden: Come visit the Museum and enjoy a hot cup of tea while enjoying the Museum’s Gardens.

 Saturday, July7, 1-3 p.m., - “Basket Making” Children’s Day: Pre-registration required. Young people aged 5 to 12. Mi’kmaq Basket theme.

 Sunday July 8, 2 p.m. - Francis Grant Day: Celebrate the writings of local author and historian Francis Grant. Community members join in the event by reading his poems and stories. Come hear Mr. Grant’s Amberola (cylinder gramophone)!

 Wednesday, July 11, 2-4 p.m. - Free Tea in the Garden: Come visit the Museum and enjoy a hot cup of tea and a sweet while enjoying the Museum’s Heritage Gardens.

 Sunday, July 15, 2-4 p.m. – Ruby Macfarlane Photo Contest, prize awards. Entrance fee: 2 dollars per photo entrance closing date July 1st.

 Wednesday, July 18, 2-4 p.m. – Opening of the Heritage Buildings Display and Free Tea in the Garden: Come visit the Museum and enjoy a hot cup of tea and a sweet in the Museum’s Heritage Gardens.

 Saturday, July 21, 1-3 p.m., -Children’s Day: Pre-registration required. Young people 5 to 12 plus, games and a snack

 Sunday, July 22, 1:30-4 p.m., -Railway Day: Railway enthusiasts and former railway employees share their stories about the early years of the railroad. Demonstrations of telegraphy and the language of the railroad, Morse Code. Join in the fun.

 Wednesday, July 25, 2-4 p.m. - Free Tea in the Garden: Come visit the Museum and enjoy a hot cup of tea and a sweet while enoying the Museum’s Heritage Gardens.

 Thursday July 26, 2 pm. Willard S. Boyle Memorial. Unveiling of Memorial at Wallace Bridge, celebrating Nobel prize winner Willard S. Boyle. Reception at the Museum to follow.

 Saturday, July 28- Giant Craft and Flea Market. Come, support local groups with their tables of treasures. Take advantage of the great sales and enjoy hamburgers, hot dogs and games

 Wednesday, August 1st 2-4 p.m. - Annual Mary Kennedy Tea: Enjoy delightful refreshments, a hot cup of tea, and live entertainment in the Museum’s beautiful Heritage Gardens. The Tea is held in honour of Mary Kennedy, the mother of the Museum Benefactor John Kennedy. The tea celebrates the history of the Davison-Kennedy family.

 Floral Arranging Competition: During the Tea, judging will take place for this annual competition. Everyone is welcome to enter and ribbons are awarded for arrangements in two categories, cultivated and wildflower. Entries accepted until 1 pm.

 Saturday, August 4th a.m. - 2 p.m. - Tails on the Trails: Bring your Dog for a walk on the Museum trails, anytime between 10 am and 2 pm. We will time your walk against a pre-set base time, you could win a treat for dog and owner

 Wednesday August 8, Free Tea in the Garden every Wednesday afternoon through out August.

 Thursday, August 9, The Harbour View Hotel. A talk from the steps of the Community Centre.. The Hotel was the centre of attention for the community. A steady stream of people arrived, departed, visited, stayed and dined at the Hotel.

 Sunday, August 12, Barn Sunday. See some of the thousands of treasures stored in the Museum Barn. Boats, wagons, tools, furniture

 Thursday August 16- The Remsheg Rug Hookers “Hook In”. The local rug hooking group host hooking groups from throughout Nova Scotia

 Saturday, August 18- Children’s Day, 1 to 3 pm

Final kids Day! Call the museum to register…too much fun to miss!

Have a great summer!

Wallace and Area Museum on the Sunrise Trail

Open: Monday to Saturday, 9-5

Sunday, 1-4

13440 No. 6 Highway

Tel. 257-2191

Nova Scotia, B0K 1Y0

Beautiful Heritage Gardens and Walking Trails

Free Admission and Programs

For further information on programs and events offered and event registration, please contact the Wallace and Area Museum

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